Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields:

New York State

© 2002, © 2025 by Paul Freeman. Revised 1/21/25.

This site covers airfields in all 50 states: Click here for the site's main menu.


Please consider a financial contribution to support the continued growth & operation of this site.

The airfields covered within this state are accessible via this menu:

New York City: Brooklyn: Manhattan, Bronx

Updated 12/8/24

New York State: Central

Updated 11/11/24

New York State: Southeastern

Updated 1/17/25

New York City: Queens

Updated 10/27/24

New York State: Long Island: Nassau County

Updated 12/8/24

New York State: Rochester area

Updated 1/21/25

New York City: Staten Island

Updated 12/29/24

New York State: Long Island: Suffolk County, Eastern

Updated 9/20/24

New York State: Rockland County

Updated 9/17/23

New York State: Albany area

Updated 11/10/24

New York State: Long Island: Suffolk County, Western

Updated 7/22/22

New York State: Westchester County

Updated 3/17/23

New York State: Buffalo area

Updated 7/9/24

New York State: Northeastern

Updated 10/15/24


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